Based on This Excerpt, What Can Be Inferred About Father Paul's Feelings?
Another question on English
English, 21.06.2019 15:fifty
You are reading an advisory text for english grade, and you discover a lot of words yous don't know. your instructor says yous don't need to look up all of them in the dictionary, only the ones y'all demand to become the chief point of the text. how could text features you lot figure out which words to look up?
Answers: 1
English language, 22.06.2019 01:00
Which words point a text is written i the first-person? a. she, her, hers b. they, them, theirs c. he, him, his d. i, me, my
Answers: ii
English, 22.06.2019 01:20
Study the editorial cartoon mars probe past mike keefe. how does the alien with the baseball bat contribute to the effectiveness of the political drawing? information technology suggests that aliens are similar people considering they play baseball, a human being sport. it uses humor to show that unknown factors go along damaging the probes humans send. information technology shows how to cope with the surface of mars, which is rocky and total of craters. it exaggerates the size of the bat in relation to the mars probe in the cartoon.
Answers: 3
English, 22.06.2019 07:00
What is the effect of this dialogue? it creates an air of suspense in the plot. it shows how angry the characters are. o it describes details of the castle setting. o it entertains through the use of clever wording.
Answers: three
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Based on this excerpt, what can exist inferred most male parent paul'southward feelings?...
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